Karyotyping can give information on a persons sex and chromosomal disorders. It cannot give information on a persons trait's and how severe a disorder is.
By preventing the synthesis of DNA halting cell growth.
Fluorouracil and methotraxate prevent the synthesis of the neucleoside Thymidine thus preventing DNA replication and elongation. Methotraxate has a structure analogous to Folic acid which is important for thymidine synthesis. Thus, it acts as a competitive inhibitor on dihdrofolate reductase an enzyme that is essential for tetrahydrofolate formation, a folic acid derivative.
Fluorouracil acts by inhibiting thymidylate synthase which catalyses an essential step in Thymidine synthesis.
More the calories, more the energy
So a bag of chips which contains 270 calories will provide more energy
Hope this helps!
So you can be more active and do different things that need energy