In my opinion, sleepwalker is much alike to daydreaming.
Your mind is somewhere else but your presence is in a place you do not know you're still in. In life, we are sometimes sleepwalkers; not literally walking while asleep, but continuously going with the flow of life without knowing the purpose why you are still striving to live everyday. And I think it's normal, it happens to everyone. Maybe time will come you'll also realize your purpose.
It was ok. How was yours?
As always, Shakespeare makes use of a good deal of blank verse, which is to say unrhymed iambic pentameter. The verses in the caskets and the comments of Morocco and Aragon thereon are in trochaic tetrameter, without the weak beat of the last trochee, as Dum-da Dum-da Dum-da Dum. The rhythm of "Tell me where is fancy bred" is similar: it may be scanned as iambic tetrameter as well as trochaic.
Hopefully thats what ur looking for, hope this helps!!!
C) people watching an event