More men were drawn to the Roman army than to Alexander's army. The Alexandrian army was made up of Greek and Macedonian warriors. Alexander's troops fought for Greece and dignity. The Greek warriors' dignity provided them an advantage in those important fights. The Greeks had been fighting the Persians for so long that they had developed a loathing for them. Some of Alexander's warriors were not as powerful because, unlike the Romans, he had to seek support wherever he could find it. Alexander had no primary spot to which he returned after fights.
Which ancient culture is associated with this pyramid ?
Aztec (✔)
They were different because they were based on one god
Other laws in other regions were based around the idea of multiple gods so there were laws for various gods, agricultural, judicial, and similar things. The ten commandments were based around a single god which usually meant that it applied to everyone equally since they weren't followers of a whole pantheon and their differences.
The south improvement company in 1872 caused rockefeller able to monopolized around 90% of the oil market in North America.
The south improvement company largely increased the number of oil and railroad companies in southern states. Because of the increase in numbers, the market for oil and railroad companies became saturated. This lead many of his competitors to bankruptcy, which is why the competitors called it a conspiracy.
The number of representatives a state gets is based on the population number in that state