its usually around the ninth line or the start of the second stanza
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced.
if you were to remove the easily swayed audience and replace it with a more objective audience,Mark Antony's speech would not still stand up as a convincing work of rhetoric.
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced. So I feel if the crowd were actually normal people the story could be different they wouldn’t be definitely so .
I believe it is telling you to write about the information you gathered during the interview <span />
He compares the poem to the moon, mainly because of the moon's slow, and gracious movement on the sky. According to the poet, "<span>Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves" is the description of how the poem should slowly and carefully flow to the end, just like the moon during a winter night. Poem should be motionless - should capture reader's attention, and entangle him in it completely. </span>