Broad-acred, these outposts of empire were all in some degree devoted to exporting commercial agricultural products. Profitable staple crops were the rile, notable tobacco and rice, though to lesser extent in small-farm North Carolina. Slavery was found in all the plantation colonies, though only after 1750 in reform-minded Georgia. Immense acreage in the hands of favored few fostered a strong aristocratic atmosphere. except in North Carolina and some extent in debtor-tinter Georgia. The wide scattering of plantations and farms, ofter along slavery rivers, stopped the growth of cities and made the establishment of churches and schools or printing presses existed in his colony. All the plantation colonies permitted some religious toleration. England became the dominant faith, though weakest of all in nonconformist North Carolina.
The conclusions of pseudoscience are based on subjective reasoning and faulty beliefs
First you must divided my the dividend and then add the whole number by number on your sheet!
Ourselves, Themselves, Yourselves
All of these are pronouns with 'selves'
Their economy relied heavily on foreign imports, which would cost more.
The economy of southern colonies relied heavily on foreign imports, which would cost more due to imposing of tariffs. These tariffs increases the cost of foreign imported goods which is not profitable for the people of these colonies so most leaders of southern colonies rejected the tariffs imposed by British empire in the pre-Civil War years.