In the court of law, there's the plaintiff and defendant
The plaintiff brings the case or have a case against someone in the court of law
The defendant
Is the accused in the court of law
Fed is the accuser
Wilma is the accused
Sequential cleavage from the non-reducing terminals of glucose molecules is required for both glycogen degradation and polysaccharides hydrolysis.
Why non-reducing end is selected for digestion?
A polysaccharide's non-reducing end is the one where an anomeric carbon participates in the glycosidic connection. The elimination of carbohydrate remnants one at a time out from the non-reducing terminal occurs during glycogenolysis and polysaccharides hydrolysis.
- For example, several enzymes are involved in glycogenolysis in the liver and muscle.
- An example of such an enzyme is glycogen phosphorylase, which catalyzes the successive dissociation of the alpha 1->4 glycosidic bond that connects two glucose molecules at a non-reducing terminal of glycogen. The last glucose residue is eliminated as alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate.
That is why non-reducing end of glucose is chosen for digestion or breakdown of the carbohydrate polymer.
Learn more about non-reducing here:
Answer: Earth spins on its axis
hope this helps (:
Human milk oligosaccharides act as a soluble decoy receptors which is responsible for the blockage of bonds between enteric pathogens and epithelial cells which helps in reducing the risk of infection caused by retrovirus.
Human milk oligosaccharides are the sugar molecules which cannot be digested by the body of newly born baby. These sugar molecules remove the harmful viruses which are present in the gut of infant and the baby is save from infection.
Grupa chemików z Uniwersytetu Środkowej Florydy pod kierownictwem profesora Fernando Uribe-Romo, odkryła sposób zamiany dwutlenku węgla w paliwo i tlen — naśladując naturalne procesy w jakich rośliny konsumują CO2, czyli fotosyntezę, która z dwutlenku węgla i wody produkuje węglowodany czyli paliwo dla organizmów żywych.