In "<em>The Stranger</em>", by Albert Camus, Meursault describes shooting the Arab after he's already dead as follows:
"I knew I’d shattered the balance of the day, thespacious calm of this beach on which I had been happy. But I fired four shots more into the inert body, on which they left no visible trace. And each successive shot was another loud, fateful rap on the door of my undoing."
He describes it as <em>knocking loudly on the door of his downfall</em>.
Mr Dunbar is using the tool of Association.
In psychology, Association simply refers to the practice of linking two or more information for ease of recall. This is the way the human brain is wired to recall.
Every information in the mind is an organisation of associated ideas, occurrences, things and so on.
So to help students learn and remember faster, good teachers use the power of association to help them recall easily.
For example, do you remember the song "Do-Re-Mi" from Sound of Music?
That song teaches one how to memorize the music sofa in a fun and easy to recall way using imagery and association.
In the 1830s, the philosophy of Transcendentalism arose in New England. Some of its most famous adherents, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, are still regarded as leading American thinkers today.
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