I’ve already done this on my page! Go into the answers bar and look at what i typed :)
Not an oxymoron, because that is when you juxtapose 2 opposites. "Stupid genius"
Not onomatopoeia, because that is using the sound something makes to describe it. "buzz of a bee"
Not analogy, because that us a comparison between two things to explain. "an orange is like a mango, just different"
A refrain is the repetition of certain lines, like a chorus.
okay I am not really sure about this one
This can be looked at in two ways. It can be looked at as an answer, "Where is the tree." "Over the Cracks in the sidewalks", or it can be looked at as a sentence standing alone which is what I believe is happening.
It is A.) Sentance fragment
languages we speak.
sense of responsibility
cooperation between people
social interaction
may this hepls u