The correct way to cite a newspaper article in print is
A. Green, Patrick. "Shakespeare's Masterpieces." The California Herald 2 June 2013 late ed.: B8. Print.
The format to follow for citing a newspaper article in MLA format;
Last name, First name "Article Title" <em>Newspaper Title </em>[city]<em> </em>Date Published: Page(s). Print.
Another example:
Smith, John. "Are Energy Drinks Hurting Our Teenagers?" <em>New York Times</em> 1 Jan. 2013: 1. Print
In his letter to President Eisenhower dated back to May 13, 1958, Jackie Robinson addressed the issue regarding black civil rights. He expressed his frustrations on Eisenhower's lack of support for upholding black civil rights at that time and he moved to fight for Federal support on these rights.
i believe the best answer would be A
Immigrants should not abandon their home culture. People need to have a strong identity to be happy healthy individuals. Having pride in your heritage gives you a sense of identity. No one and no country stands alone. Every country has contributed something to the world.