Although we never learn exactly what changes Hamlet asked The Players to make in their script, it is almost certain that the changes included the dumb show portion that presents the Fellow pouring poison into the King’s ear as well as the lines about fidelity and widowhood. One aspect of the irony is that Hamlet requested the changes so he could watch Claudius’s reaction: to “catch the conscience of a king.” He later tells his step-father. Dramatic irony is simply giving the audience more information than another character has. When Gertrude says this, she is speaking to the audience, not another character. She is foreshadowing any negative consequences of another character's actions.
112 words...
What is the topic of said essay? I 'd be happy to help.
ummm maybe 16 and blue
i dont know but awww and thanks you have a great day too
The devil was the adversary of the Purtians
I can’t see the stanza, but generally, alliteration can help add mood and sometimes tone to the writing. The repetitiveness can add a cadence to the poem.