Since they are talking about brand recognition and popularity, I would say D. perception accounts for mediocre products trumping quality. People go with the product they know or they think more people are using because it is perceived as a better product even though it may not be.
Hi !
which socioeconomic factory contributes most to an unhealthy diet ?
- income level
Americans have greater access to Rock Climbing than any other nationality BY FAR
That other answer is BS I have been climbing for 3+ years, and I would now that rock climbing is ridiculously accessible to Americans, I'm Mexican and I climb for the Mexican national youth team and I have several Gold medals for winning 1st place in competitions, and we are all jealous at the almost unnecessary abundance of climbing gyms in the USA, my city has 2,800,000+ population and we have 4 climbing gyms and only 2 local crags, only one of those gyms has sport climbing, thats the one I go to. In the city of San Jose California, there are like 15+ gyms, and in my state there are 19 gyms and the state of California has like 400+ or something crazy like that
You can help her by practicing soccer with her since she has not played in a while.