In the book Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus weeps when Demodocus sings his songs about the Trojan War.
When the blind harper Demodocus entertains the court of Alcinous, the assembly enjoys the tales he tells and appreciates his beautiful singing. Unfortunately, the subject of the first and third performance is Odysseus himself during his time in Troy. The tales bring up hard memories for him and he's overwhelmed. In response, he covers his face with his cloak and weeps.
The second song Demodocus sings is about Ares and Aphrodite, and it doesn't have any sad effects on Odysseus. He enjoys it with everyone else.
Odysseus's weeping is consistent with what we would expect of a modern hero. It depicts modesty and an acknowledgement of the sacrifices of others in ensuring the achievements for which the hero is being praised. It also depicts an acknowledgement of his own imperfections and mistakes on the journey to becoming a hero.
Option: A. Reach up and touch her own nose.
Xavier curiosity for his daughter to know her existence is a technique of the mirror test. This is a self- awareness test where a child sees himself or herself in the mirror and their responses are observed depending on the child's progress. This test is widely used as the primary means for mirror self-recognition in children. The mirror test is also known as the rouge test by using rouge makeup, an experimenter secretly puts a dot on the face of the child.
Answer: The tissue(s) that George destroyed was (were) probably the PHLOEM.
and the tissue that Goege left undisturbed was (were) the XYLEM.
A PHLOEM tissue is the vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of sugars and nutrients manufactured in the shoot.
A XYLEM tissue is the vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of water and minerals taken up by the roots; also the primary component of wood.
As can be deduced from both definitions, removal of the phloem will ultimately lead to the death of the plant because the phloem is primarily responsible for the distribution of sugars and nutrients manufactured in the shoot.