Availability heuristics
The availability of heuristics is also called the availability of bias. It is a short cut of mental availability. This work on the notions of the availability of something that can be recalled from the memory. It should be important and at-least more important than the alternative solutions that can not be recalled very easily.
The availability of the solution can be associated with the available solution and relies on it.
A perfect approach is to make dictionaries accessible to the students and give students that have reduced proficiency additional time to complete given course works or quizzes while other students can work independently. This will help improve things generally.
A banana is a fruit.
Bananas grow on trees.
The bananas we eat are genetically modified to not have seeds.
Wild bananas are almost inedible because of the number of seeds they contain.
<h2>The Facing Stars refer to the "Facing Direction" of a house or building. The Facing Direction is frequently (but not always) determined by one's position when standing at the main door and looking out of the house. Facing Stars are filled into the Geomantic Chart in the following sequence:</h2>
Impersonality and personal difference is a characteristic of bureaucracy where an individual is hired on the ability to deliver and not solely on their personal traits or attributes.