Answer: Tax Cuts and Tax Rebates
Having more cash means companies have the resources to procure capital, improve technology, grow, and expand. All of these actions increase productivity, which grows the economy. A country may be wealthy, and powerful, but if its citizens live short or unhappy lives, Wealth is important only in so far as it encourages greater well-being. Invest in technology, human capital, and physical capital. Provide incentives of a market-oriented economic context. Work to reduce government economic controls on market activities. Deregulate the banking and financial sector. Reduce protectionist policies.
D is the answer. If this answer is wrong then tell me and I will remove this answer.
Most animals protect there home from other animals.
The correct response is Option A: It allows citizens to elect representatives who will pass and enforce laws on their behalf.
One of the fundamental principles of a representative democracy is that citizens elect the government authorities who will represent them. This is the type of system we have in the United States where citizens vote for the Congressmen who will represent them in the House, and the Senators who will represent them in the Senate. One form of being active in the public sphere is to call your representatives or to write letters to let them know the position you have on issues that may be before the House or the Senate. Your representatives are supposed to consider the constituents who elected them on public policy issues, legislation, and on requests for help with political or government matters like someone needing consular help abroad, for example, or a naturalization application that is taking too long.
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