Brutal working conditions
and just in case, he worked in a shoe polish factory
If you need to answer those questions then read the book again then answer the questions. What helps me is to reread the page or passage again
<u>Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition</u> -<u>Reading the summary first</u>- Survey. SQRW (the S stands for Survey) is a four-step strategy for reading/taking notes from chapters in a textbook. It helps to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. To survey means to assess the information available. To survey a chapter, read the title, introduction, headings, and the summary or conclusion. By surveying a chapter, you will quickly learn what the chapter is about. <u>SQRW</u>:
- <em>Q - Question (you need to have questions in your mind as you read); </em>
- <em>R - Read (read the information that follows each heading to find the answer to each question you formed);</em>
- <em>W - Write (write each question and its answer in your notebook).</em>
<span>utilizing the power of environment</span>
The Loss of American Indian Life and Culture. As American settlers pushed westward, they inevitably came into conflict with Indian tribes that had long been living on the land. The result was devastating for the Indian tribes, which lacked the weapons and group cohesion to fight back against such well-armed forces.
This report found generally that the federal government was failing at its goals of protecting Native Americans, their land, and their resources, both personal and cultural.
After the Meriam report, Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work proposed that the Rockefeller Foundation support a survey by the Institute for Government Research. Five years after the Meriam Report, the Federal government began overhauling its Native American policy with the Wheeler-Howard Act (Indian Reorganization Act of 1934).