It would be much better if you've provided additional information, as it's not clear what your question is about. Anyway, I've found this question with options.
And the answer is Without exception, you must always stop when <span> A traffic officer instructs you to stop</span>.
Answer: Tar.
A chemical substance made when tobacco is burned. Tar contains most of the cancer-causing and other harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the tar can form a sticky layer on the inside of the lungs.
e. Phishing
Phishing is a type of fraudulent or social engineering attack used to lure unsuspecting individuals to click on a link that looks like that of a genuine website and then taken to a fraudulent web site which asks for personal information.
Attackers use it to steal sensitive user data or information.
I believe the answer is C the motherboard!
B. Change the router's default administrative password
The best way to prevent any unauthorized use is to change the password to something more secure using 12 minimum characters and including number, symbols, upper and lower case.