Search engine optimization (SEO)
There's a parking lot that is 600m² big. The lot must be able to hold at least 3 buses and 10 cars.
Each car takes up 6m² and each bus takes up 30m².
However, there can only be 60 vehicles in the lot at any given time.
The cost to park in the lot is $2.50 per day for cars and $7.50 per day for buses. The lot must make at least $75 each day to break even.
What is a possible car to bus ratio that would allow the lot to make profit?
End-User Software. Because it is not professional
A. 50 percent
The correct option is - A. 50 percent
Another preventive measure you can take is to maintain the relative humidity at around 50 percent. Be careful not to increase the humidity too far—to the point where moisture starts to condense on the equipment.
favorite_color = input("Enter favorite color:\n")
pet = input("Enter pet's name:\n")
num = input("Enter a number:\n")
print("You entered: "+favorite_color+" "+pet+" "+num)
password1 = favorite_color+"_"+pet
password2 = num+favorite_color+num
print("First password: "+password1)
print("Second password: "+password2)
print("Number of characters in "+password1+": "+str(len(password1)))
print("Number of characters in "+password2+": "+str(len(password2)))
This works for me.