Answer: Capillary action occurs because water is sticky, thanks to the forces of cohesion (water molecules like to stay close together) and adhesion (water molecules are attracted and stick to other substances).
It reminds me of naruto
The organic molecule called glycogen is formed of branched chains of sugar units.
-Glycogen is a branched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria.
-In humans, glycogen is made and stored in liver and muscle cells. Muscle cell glycogen is broken down into glucose, and liver glycogen is broken down into glucose as a circulating energy source glucose for use by the body.
-Glycogen is accumulated in response to insulin and broken down into glucose in response to glucagon. It plays a major role in maintaining the blood-glucose levels, which is vital since some organs in the body such as the brain purely depend on glucose for energy.
Perigee is the correct answer. T<span>his high tide is also known as the proxigean </span>spring tide<span>.</span>
Koalas benefit from tress because then can climb on them to keep away from danger such as other ground predators, Trees can also serve as a food source for them to eat in day to day life.
Antidiuretic hormone synthesized by the neurons in the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary allows for the reabsorption of water from the collecting ducts of the kidneys back into the circulation.
This therefore reduces the amount of water in the urine causing the formation of concentrated urine and reduced volume of urine.
It causes the increased reabsorption of sodium in the ascending loop of Henle adding to the counter-current mechanism which aids the further reabsorption of water from the distal tubules and collecting ducts.
It also allows the constriction of arteries thereby reducing arterial blood pressure.