this is for the first image with the marshmallows in campfire-There are two main processes that heat a marshmallow: absorption of campfire radiation photons and contact with very hot air rising off the fire convection. If we place the marshmallow directly above the fire, we get both.
The given diagram is food chain. Food chain is a sequence of populations or organisms of an ecosystem through which the food and its contained energy passes with each member becoming the food of a later membre of the sequence. The number of trophic levels in a food chain is 3-6 and in each trophic level a lot of biomass is consumed in liberating energy.
In the above food chain plants( producers) radiant light energy into chemical form. Rodents are primary consumer, owl is a secondary consumers or primary carnivores and wolf is a tertiary consumer or secondary carnivores.
The vacuole helps the plant cell to maintain the shape of the cell by helping to maintain turbot pressure.