he Industrial Revolution made machine-based manufacturing more common, and increased the population and average income. Instead of farming, people came to cities to work. The millions of workers moved from farms and cottage industries to cities; which caused rising population.
Hope this helps!
The correct answer is - Observations generate a scientific question, leading to a hypothesis, which can be tested through an experiment.
In any scientific knowledge development process, scientists need to follow the scientific process in a particular sequence that helps in developing and testing a hypothesis.
The sequence has:
observation: Observation requires you to pay attention to occurrences around
Forming question: on the basis of observation form a question about why that occurrence happens.
Hypothesis formation: The hypothesis is your initial prediction on why that happens.
Experiment: The experiment is being done in order to collect data and analysis so you can test your hypothesis
The atomic number or proton number (symbol Z) of a chemical element is the number of protons found in the nucleus of every atom of that element
The answer is primary producers