Can't see your chart. But, I believe white and sweet potatoes were introduced because they were inexpensive to grow and they helped them live healthier lives. Hope this helps in some way.
I think it’s decreases because the quantity that’s being produced is decreasing, lmk if I’m wrong!
Their is many ways Cortes conquered the Aztecs, one was with conflicted fear. Cortes used fear to scare his people basically making them worship him, and his well the Aztecs didn't have any war-type material. The Aztecs had arrows while the others had gun powder.
provide collective security against the Soviet Union
<span>Aztec, Mexico, 1469, stone
bodies of conquered enemies were sacrificed and hurled down the great
temple's stairs to land on this stone disk showing the murdered and
segmented body of the mood goddess Coyolxauhqui, Huitzilopochtli's