theres a video on Y O U T U B E helped me ace the health class a couple year ago
Crude oil: Through drilling wells
Coal: Through surface and underground mining
Natural gas: Through hydraulic fracturing
According to G.D Budhiraja in his book "The Natural Way of Healthy Aging," the ultimate wonder of cells is the egg cell.
The egg cells is considered to be the ultimate wonder of cells because of its potential to form another human being. Once fertilized, the egg cell multiplies and grows, and "seems to know" just the right timing for certain processes to occur within the embryo or fetus. It seems to know when certain hormones should be produced, when it should implant in the uterus, and when the hands, legs, feet, hair, and other parts of the embryo and fetus should grow.
An organism is multi cellular, has chloroplasts and is made up of eukaryotic cells will be placed in Eukarya domain by a scientist. The domain Eukarya arose more that 1.7 billion years ago. It originated from the first prokaryotic organisms. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and hope that it helps you.