a) Viruses
Vulnerability assessment is performed by variety of tools and these can be protocol analyzer, vulnerability scanner, Honeypots, port scanners, honey nets and banner grabbing tools.
Port scanners : they are used to scan the ports which can be exploited by attackers. Most of TCP/IP applications communicate using different ports and attackers can exploit these ports if they are found vulnerable. for example : ports like 80 and 443 are commonly used for HTTP and SSL communication. 22 is used for SSH and if they are open to world then it will allow attackers to use those to get the entry into the system.
Protocol Analyzers : They are used to analyze the packet captures. tools like wireshark, tshark, these tools will help user to decode HTTP/SSL/HTTPS/FTP/RSTP or any application protocols communication. this will help user to understand any unwanted or non-anticipated traffic.
Vulnerability Scanners : They are used to detect the vulnerabilities in the network or systems. these will help administrators to get the alerts whenever there are unanticipated activity. It will have two types of scanners one is active scanner and other is passive scanner. Active scanners will keep on sending probes at the fixed time slots and passibe scanners will be in listening mode all the time. These scanners will alert when a new nodes comes up or goes down or if any system gets compromised.
Honeypots and Honey nets : They are devices or softwares which are having limited security. These devices are made vulnerable purposefully so that attackers can try and attack. This will help softwares to detect the attackers when they try to exploit these open vulnerabilities. They are deceptions created with purpose.
Banner grabbing Tools : These are tools which will capture the banner information like HTTP protocol version, underlying operating system, open ssl versions being used, server software and similar information. these are important as it will open up potential vulnerabilities in the underlying software. for ex : SSLv3 has a vulnerability known to world and can be exploited by anyone.
You can make a hierarchical directory structure under /root that
consists of one directory containing subdirectories by using cd and
the mkdir command created the directories while the cd command changes which directory you're currently in
A sixteen bit microprocessor chip used in early IBM PCs. The Intel 8088 was a version with an eight-bit externaldata bus.
The Intel 8086 was based on the design of the Intel 8080 <span>and </span>Intel 8085 (it was source compatible with the 8080)with a similar register set, but was expanded to 16 bits. The Bus Interface Unit fed the instruction stream to theExecution Unit through a 6 byte prefetch queue, so fetch and execution were concurrent - a primitive form ofpipelining (8086 instructions varied from 1 to 4 bytes).
It featured four 16-bit general registers, which could also be accessed as eight 8-bit registers, and four 16-bit indexregisters (including the stack pointer). The data registers were often used implicitly by instructions, complicatingregister allocation for temporary values. It featured 64K 8-bit I/O (or 32K 16 bit) ports and fixed vectored interrupts.There were also four segment registers that could be set from index registers.
The segment registers allowed the CPU to access 1 meg of memory in an odd way. Rather than just supplyingmissing bytes, as most segmented processors, the 8086 actually shifted the segment registers left 4 bits and addedit to the address. As a result, segments overlapped, and it was possible to have two pointers with the same valuepoint to two different memory locations, or two pointers with different values pointing to the same location. Mostpeople consider this a brain damaged design.
Although this was largely acceptable for assembly language, where control of the segments was complete (it couldeven be useful then), in higher level languages it caused constant confusion (e.g. near/far pointers). Even worse, thismade expanding the address space to more than 1 meg difficult. A later version, the Intel 80386, expanded thedesign to 32 bits, and "fixed" the segmentation, but required extra modes (suppressing the new features) forcompatibility, and retains the awkward architecture. In fact, with the right assembler, code written for the 8008 canstill be run on the most <span>recent </span>Intel 486.
The Intel 80386 added new op codes in a kludgy fashion similar to the Zilog Z80 and Zilog Z280. The Intel 486added full pipelines, and clock doubling (like <span>the </span>Zilog Z280).
So why did IBM chose the 8086 series when most of the alternatives were so much better? Apparently IBM's own engineers wanted to use the Motorola 68000, and it was used later in the forgotten IBM Instruments 9000 Laboratory Computer, but IBM already had rights to manufacture the 8086, in exchange for giving Intel the rights to its bubble memory<span> designs.</span> Apparently IBM was using 8086s in the IBM Displaywriter word processor.
Other factors were the 8-bit Intel 8088 version, which could use existing Intel 8085-type components, and allowed the computer to be based on a modified 8085 design. 68000 components were not widely available, though it could useMotorola 6800 components to an <span>extent.
Hope this helps
You have to subtract the tax amount by the final amount then multiply the result by the percentage of tip that is based on the service that you received.