Confucianism is the philosophy developed by the Chinese philosopher Confucius. His philosophy was all about how to treat people socially, and placed an emphasis on respect and manners.
"India" Is the correct answer
The Native Americans from the Plains.
Anti-Semitism was first used by German scholars in 1873 to describe hatred against Jews. Many of the main figures in history made anti-Jewish remarks and a kind of caution and suspicion towards Jews was less than subordinate to most of the story, as some say until they took over the media, especially in the United States with the advent of television around 1970. Accusations against Jews have ranged from black death to the country and anti-Christian propaganda to alluding to communism and its heinous crimes and to organized crime. Nazism was a political policy based on anti-Semitism and aimed at the extermination of Jews. The Holocaust was an organized attempt to implement that policy.