The correct answer to the following question will be "Independent female gangs
- The women leaders create their internal guidelines in autonomous female groups and gangs, and will not be superiors to male gang bangers. Joan Moore did extensive work on women communities throughout the 1980s and initial 1990s.
- Female run groups are considered to be similar to male groups as well as function just about as ruthlessly as they do.
Therefore the black legions, elks, as well as black cats are all instances of women independent groups.
Southerners pelted him with eggs and rotten fruit.
Hope this helped.
The economies of most European nations were in very poor shape
At the end of the war, millions of people were dead and millions more homeless, the European economy had collapsed, and much of the European industrial infrastructure had been destroyed. The Soviet Union, too, had been heavily affected.
100 million acres of land
Native peoples who were deemed to be "mixed-blood" were forced to accept U.S. citizenship, while others were "detribalized." Between 1887 and 1934, Native Americans "lost control of about 100 million acres of land" (United states has 1.9 billion acres of land) or about "two-thirds of the land base they held in 1887" as
Benjamin Franklin
Some give credit to Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity, but his experiments only helped establish the connection between lightning and electricity, nothing more. The truth about the discovery of electricity is a bit more complex than a man flying his kite. It actually goes back more than two thousand years.