Yo! I’d be so down to help but i’m not good with typing it out for you. What exactly do you need help with and I’d be so glad to help!! Just reply in the comments and i’ll help you out. <3
Removing Cassio would make things simpler and would serve as "sweet revenge" for Roderigo; he agrees because Iago convinces him that if he kills Cassio, he will be able to have Desdemona.
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Numbers two and three will be the most useful in determining the reliability of this source.
The subject and verb in each of the following inverted sentences is written below in detail.
1. Here are your pharmaceutical documents from your doctor.
Verb: Medical Records
Subject: Doctor
2. Inside your container is a red album.
Verb: Inside
Subject: Red book
3. Through the darkness waits for the concerned father for his daughter to come home.
Verb: Waits
Subject: Daughter
4. At the fruit stand sit delicious apples asking to be bought.
Verb: Sit
Subject: Apples
5. Onto the new carpet flows the pineapple juice from the broken bottle.
Verb: Flows
Subject: New Rug