more resistant
bedrock is resistant to weathering and erosion
Minke whales (pronounced mink-ey), are one of the smallest baleen whales in North American waters and are the smallest of the “rorqual” whales. The rorqual whales or “great whale” family include blue whale, fin whale, Bryde's whale, sei whale, and humpback whale.
Humpback whales can be distinguished by their small dorsal fin and long pectoral flippers, and they show their tail flukes more often. Blue whales are the biggest. They are actually grey, but appear aqua under water.
The appropriate response is classical conditioning. It is a learning procedure that happens when two boosts are over and over combined; a reaction that is at first inspired by the second jolt is at the end evoked by the primary jolt alone. Classical conditioning is the essential learning procedure, and its neural substrates are presently starting to be caught on.
Consider all forces acting in the body. Resolved them in x-y-z axes. On every axis, take one direction to be positive and subtract the force of opposite direction from that force.