D speed
Speed is the body moving fast either by itself or wih help from an object
C High
On the label, it says that there is 12g of saturated fat and it says it is 60% of the daily recommended value for that kind of fats. This is a high amount of saturated fat. Saturated fats should be looked at when we are starting a new diet or maintaining a current one. It is important to monitor this type of fat.
"Immediately following ovulation my temperature will increase."
One type of contraceptive method is basal temperature, which is based on body temperature analysis to detect the fertile period. This measurement should be done daily, for graphing, and with the body at rest (after at least six hours of sleep). The temperature should always be measured with the same thermometer to avoid variations. In case of breakage, the material change should be noted on the chart. The place to check the temperature can be oral, rectal or vaginal and should be the same for the entire cycle.
During the woman's cycle, at the time of ovulation, the yellow body, which secretes estrogen and progesterone, forms. The latter is related to the rise in temperature by a few tenths of a degree due to its thermogenic effect. To confirm that this phase has begun, it is important for the woman to understand if there was a difference of at least 0.2ºC between one temperature and another. For this reason, the client exposed in the question, shows that she understood everything about this contraceptive method when she says "Immediately after ovulation, my temperature will rise."
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.