the answer is A. cost-benefit analysis
Dumpster diving in terms of social engineering means mingling with the insignificant to find the significant.
In terms of social engineering Dumpster driving is exactly how it is in the real life.
There is no guarantee and the person diving runs a lot of risk but more that usually there is enough rewards in it if one can ignore the things that surround it.
The occasional scrounge would be able to find something very useful about the topic they are researching just like the professional divers make profits of thousands from diving into the dumpsters and finding expensive things for themselves.
El golpe militar pretendió evitar la posible victoria electoral del candidato aprista, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torres, por sus ideales contra el imperialismo y su llamado a una revolución social continental para liberar al pueblo indoamericano de la opresión de la oligarquía.
El golpe militar de 1962 se debió a intereses reformistas. El APRA había liderado las más importantes protestas en el campo, lo cual llevó a que se lo catalogue como un movimiento terrorista.
The use of tribes and clans as a governing institution followed family as a governing institution.
Answer: Option C
In many parts of the world even today people live in tribes and clans. They govern their people and outside politics or economy has no role to play in their lives.
Essentially family is smallest governing unit in any system where the eldest person of the family is the highest authority and decides all the issues of the family.
Same is true with the governing system of tribes and clans as the usually they have single person or a group of people or council of elders who govern the people of the tribe.