Sickle-cell disease is common in tropical and sub-tropical regions because being a carrier, carrying a single sickle-cell mutation (sickle cell trait), affords some resistance to malaria.
Field Of View (FOV): The Viewable area of the object under inspection. In other words, this is the portion of the object that fills the camera's sensor. Working Distance (WD): The distance from the front of the lens to the object under inspection. Resolution: The minimum feature size of the object under inspection.
We can easily move the box from a ground floor though to the first floor at an angle of 40° to the horizontal by simply pushing the load through an inclined plane. We will simply be lean the inclined plane on the building at the required angle and the push through the the height of the building.
Based on the explanation above, the best type of simple machine to use is an INCLINED PLANE. <em>Note that the essence of using a machine is simply to make our work easier and faster and also be able to overcome a much larger load with a minimal effort. </em>