Well, from what I can tell he has 1 50 cent piece, 2 Dimes, and 2 Pennies. Meaning 5 objects in total, considering that it asks for "at least ten cents" that would mean the 2 Dimes and the 1 50 cent piece.
Since that is 3 objects out of the 5, being 3/5ths, that would mean he has a 60% chance or probability for the first draw.
Hopefully that helps. ^ ^
SW =XW and ST=XU and UW=TW
Step-by-step explanation:
All are true and correct since the two triangles are congruent
- 38.79
- 3053.63
- 904.78
- 2544.69
- 226.19
- 402.12
- 1072.33
- 1526.81
- 28.73
- 113.1
- 3801.33
- 268.08
- 2094.4
- 75.4
- 94.25
- 37.7
- 1884.96
- 2065.24
- 19861.7
- 1385.44
- 287.98
- 4.19
- 3619.11
- 113.1
- 50.27
I did this really quick so I hope all the answers are right, and double check them if you have time just in case
Answer: 43.5
Step-by-step explanation:

#7. C #10. C #11. A #12. C