he industrial revolution in Europe had very different features. Belgium, one of the first industrialised countries, was able to draw on rich resources of iron ore and coal and a strong tradition of textile manufacturing. For this reason industrial development ran along similar lines to that in Great Britain.
I think there are a lot. But I am not a genius
English ships sailed into New Amsterdam and occupied the land, demanding the area from the Netherlands. Soon after the Second Anglo-Dutch war followed. At the treaty of Breda, it was decided that England would get to keep New Amsterdam which was renamed into New York while the Dutch would get sugar plantations in Suriname.
The correct answer is A. Radical Republicans.
The Fifteenth Amendment gave people of color the right to vote, so D is definitely incorrect. B is incorrect too because labor union organizers wanted all workers to have the same rights. C is incorrect because by passing this Amendment, it would mean better prospects for women too. This leaves us with A, given that these Republicans were the ones who owned slaves in the first place.