Mexico/Caribbean Seas and the Pacific Ocean
If i'm wrong please correct me
The first coins were believed to be invented in China.
IT was the center of learning and knowledge, with Greek texts being discovered and imported by Arab scholars. Further, people like the Medici, who sponsored many artists during the Renaissance, were very wealthy, and able to pay people for works of art that they wanted commissioned.
and Malcolm X were both civil rights leaders during the 1960s. Both were deeply religious but had different ideologies about how equal rights should be attained. MLK focussed on nonviolent protest (e.g., bus boycotts, sit-ins, and marches), while Malcolm X believed in attaining equal rights by any means necessary.
The Versailles Treaty (signed in 1919) and the London Plan of Payments of 1921 required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (33 billion US dollars [all amounts are present, unless stated]) for restitution to cover civil damage suffered during the war.