We need more information! : ) I'll gladly help though!
The Time Machine is a science fiction novel which was written by H.G. Wells, in 1895. In chapter 6, there was a well which was examined by the main character. He found out that it was a cold space where he faced the Morlocks and he managed to flee from them and save a girl called Weena and another boy who were there.
Chaucher's 'Wife of Bath Tale' challenges the gender stereotypes.
The Wife of a Bath’s Tale is amongst one of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. This tale is based upon gender roles, love, marriage, and human desire.
In this tale, Chaucer have challenged the gender stereotypes and this could be concluded from some of the following incidences from the novel. Firstly, according to ancient thinking, a man can marry more than one woman but woman cannot. But this his tale we can see how the wife already had three marriages and was looking forward for another marriage.
Chaucher’s wife is seen as defending the age old norms of being a typical wife and she comes up with her own modern perspectives towards marriage and sex.
Detail #3) should be revised as it has nothing do with how indoor pluming has benefited and improved daily life.
Hope this helps.