The defense mechanism of displacement is a form of psychological defense mechanism whereby an individual transfers his aggression or negative feelings of emotion from the original source of the negative emotion to a less threatening person or object that was not the source of the negative emotion but is likely to not bring negative consequences or repercussions. OK this way the individual is able to act out his emotional response freely with this person or object as demonstrated above
-The Eastern front was more mobile
-The Western front used more trench warfare
-France and Great Britain were fighting Germany on the Western front
-Russia and Serbia were fighting Austria-Hungary on the Eastern front
-The Western was mainly in France and Eastern in Russia
This is an example of negative reinforcement.
Her mother scolded her every time Jane bit her nails - so Jane learned that every time she bites her nails, she is going to be scolded sternly by her mother. In order to avoid that, she stopped biting her nails, and thus the reinforcement was successful.
So every government can have a set of rules in their area without having conflict.