The war resulted in the death of more than half of Paraguayan population representing about 66% of the Paraguayan population.
The Triple Alliance War also referred to as the Paraguayan War was the war fought between Paraguay and the three allied forces of South America namely Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay referred to as the Triple Alliance Force.
The war lasted between 1864 to 1870. It was caused majorly as a result of boundary dispute, political tussle and the selfish expansionist ambition of the Paraguayan dictator known as Francisco Solano Lopez. The war had a very calamitous effect on Paraguay, as it led to the decimation and annihilation of about 66% of the Paraguayan population comprising mainly of men.
Most black soldiers were scattered throughout the Continental Army in integrated infantry regiments, where they were often assigned to support roles as wagoners, cooks, waiters or artisans. African Americans also served as gunners, sailors on privateers and in the Continental Navy during the Revolution.
African-Americans fought for both sides, providing manpower to both the British and the revolutionaries.
Answer: this is all true.
After the election of 1860, in which Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina seceded from the union. 10 other states followed its lead, forming the confederate states of America. President Lincoln decided that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force could save the union. The Civil War began. What other options did Lincoln have, if any, in his quest to save the nation?
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