You can estimate 7 2/5 to 7 and estimate 6 3/8 to 6 1/2. And add them both up. If u add them, you get 13 1/2
For example: Square has dimension a
A = a² and if every dimension is multiplied by k new dimension would be:
A 1 = k² a² = k² A.
Or the area of rhombus: A = d1 * d 2 / 2
New area is: A 1 = k d 1 * k d 2 / 2 = k² A
Answer: If every dimension of two-dimensional figure is multiplied by k, the area is multiplied by k².
Step-by-step explanation:
So 5600/8000 is the fraction and 80 = 1% so 5600/80 will be your answer
If there 20 % fat in 32 piece
1 piece will be 20/32 = 0.625%
In 4 pieces will be 4* 0.625% = 2.5%