So first you need your denominators to be the same so you can multiply. They share a common denominator of 24. 2/3 equals 16/24 and 2/8 equals 9/24. So now you need to turn your fractions into mixed numbers and multiply. Which equals 2112/576. That # is way to big so then you simplify and get 11/3. so now you have 5 and 1/6 divided by 11/3. So now just flip the second fraction multiply it by its reciprocal. 31/6 X 3/11=___. So your final answer is 1 and 9/22
multiplying both sides by -1,we get
Your answer is 0.06, hun!
Step-by-step explanation:
1.20 divided by 20 = 0.06
Stay happy-Livia
The answer to your question is 1,293,182
So when solving this you are going to have to solve the equation.
Okay so first thing we need to do is simplify both sides of your equation so:
</span>Simplifying process:
</span></span><span>Combine Like Terms </span>⇒ 3x−5=<span>(2x+x)+(8)
</span></span>Second thing we are now going to do is s<span>ubtract 3x from both sides<span> so:
</span>Final step is to add 5 to both sides:
</span>The answer to your question is "<span>There are no solutions"</span>