The statement that Apache web server is the most widely used network operating system used on web servers is true. This server runs on <span>67% of all webservers in the world</span>
The Apache web server is a free and open-source cross-platform HTTP Server,<span> developed and maintained by </span>Apache Software Foundation.
The answer is "Option A".
- In the given C++ Language program on line 8 compile-time error will occur, because in the code the conditional statement is used. In if block, we check two conditions together, which is the number variable value is greater than equal to 0 and check less than equal to 100.
- In this condition statement, a AND operator is used that execute when both condition is true, but in the last condition, we do not define a variable name that, checks value. That's why the program will give an error on line 8.
The answer is "The global Address List (GAL) is publishes in the new certificates".
Describe the GAL with relate to smart card:
- The GAL is a part of the outlook, that allows the users to make a group of mutual contacts and resources specified for your G Suite domain and searchable directory.
- It provides the main mail app, that offers you to make global contacts, and also provides basic contact, with the use of business shares global addresses with others. In this process, the co-worker can change their smart card.
// Program is written in C++ Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
// Program starts here
using namespace std;
int main()
// Declare integer variable n which serves as the quotient.
int n;
// Prompt to enter any number
cout<<"Enter any integer number: ";
// Check for divisors using the iteration below
for(int I = 1; I<= n; I++)
// Check if current digit is a valid divisor
if(n%I == 0)
// Print all divisors
cout<<I<<" ";
return 0;