One million one hundred thousand one hundred
How was Thutmose III rule different from Hatshepsut's rule(descirbe both)? Hatshepsut rule was a time of peace. Thutmose rule was not peaceful as he led 16 military raids in twenty years. Besided being embalmed, what did New Kingdom rulers like Ramses III do in their quest for immortality?
The answer is B. the right of the people to keep and bear arms :)
B) He defected to the Allied side but was still tried for war crimes and executed. Benito Mussolini Former Prime Minister of Italy
Cause of death: Execution by firing squad
Date of death: April 28, 1945
Place of death: Giulino, Azzano, Italy
The correct answer would be C.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, an increased number of vogages occurred all around the globe, to longer distances each time. This allowed the western civilization to stablish contact with the rest of Africa, America and Oceania.
The ability to travel further distances came because 2 things: the development of better ships, such as the galleon, and the advancements in navigation technology, which allowed the ship to reach it's destination even in months-long journeys across the ocean. The astrolable was one of such technological advances, allowing the sailors to identify the position of a celestial body in the sky, and triangulate the position of the ship from that information.