Can you please include a photo of the passage?
"was laughed at and made out fun on account of his look and the sound of his voice.
1) You’ll see your name in the fast scrolling credits of the movie, but there isn’t an Oscar category for Best Stunt (but does have a freaking category for Best Makeup and Hairstyle). That epic 17-story fall you just took? Well, everyone will think it was actually the big Hollywood star that was “reworking the screenplay” with the 20-year-old intern in his/her trailer, which smelled like a hippie commune.
2) When you do stunts, you not only do the dangerous (and arguably fun) stuff but you also might have to do things that actors don’t want because, honestly, it’s unpleasant. Also, you sometimes might have to do scenes with non-stunt performers (see: actors) which could result in injury due to their lack of training. For example, something as simple as getting a pie, a cake, or someone’s privates smacked to your face might instead be tasked to a stunt performer. Rolling around on the dusty ground could also be relegated to a stunt person because what kind of monster would force their talent to ruin a $400 mani-pedi for the sake of one measly scene?
Romeo and Juliet is a play about the conflict between the main characters’ love, with its transformative power, and the darkness, hatred, and selfishness represented by their families’ feud. The two teenaged lovers, Romeo and Juliet, fall in love the first time they see each other, but their families’ feud requires they remain enemies. Over the course of the play, the lovers’ powerful desires directly clash with their families’ equally powerful hatred of each other. Initially, we may expect that the lovers will prove the unifying force that unites the families. Were the play a comedy, the families would see the light of reason and resolve their feud, Romeo and Juliet would have a public wedding, and everyone would live happily ever after. But the Montague-Capulet feud is too powerful for the lovers to overcome. The world of the play is an imperfect place, where freedom from everything except pure love is an unrealistic goal. Ultimately, the characters' love does resolve the feud, but at the price of their lives
<span>full rhyme: a rhyme where the stressed vowels and all the following consonants and vowels are identical, but the consonants coming before the rhyming vowels are different (such as </span><span>chain, brain / soul, <span>pole)
slant rhyme: </span></span><span>a </span>rhyme<span> with the stressed syllables of ending consonants match, but the preceding vowel sounds don't match...the words have similar but not identical sounds. they are "imperfect rhymes" as you might say. (such as short, hurt / heaven, even, given)
meter: rhythmic structure of the verses in a poem</span><span>
breve: a curved mark over a vowel meaning it's too could also mean a double whole note, if that's what you're asking for.