la mujer sí puede ejercer liderazgo dentro de la iglesia
el hombre y la mujer son iguales, y que cada uno puede igualmente llenar cualquier rol en la iglesia
1930s had very lax laws compared to the present day and you could in theory get away with Drinking and driving pleading guilty in certain states.
Although New York was the first state in the USA to have laws against DUI as early as 1910 it was still a common practice for the people who did get arrested to get away with a fine or a slap on the wrist with the vehicle.
The laws would not get more strict until the vehicles themselves became more commonplace in the country and until 1930s it was possible to get away with drunk driving in certain southern states even when the person was arrested.
A) A lot of competition between businesses.
question 6 is: ISLAMIC STATE and question 7 is correct