autsomsal means that it is not x-linked/ realted to gametes. Dominate means that it needs only one X to get the trait
Using the punnet square
X x
x Xx xx
x Xx xx
there is 2 X which means there is a 50% change that their child will get the trait
The Human Immune system helps fight bacteria and germs and viruses because without the Immune system we could die it is what protects us from The flu and sometimes cov id with a weak immune system we might no survive.
What this student thought was happening is called spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation is a body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms without descent from similar organisms
HOWEVER, the student was wrong because it is impossible for organisms to be spawned out of nothing. The organisms appeared due to bacteria on the meat and in the air.
The lower pressure balloon will expand. Figure 2 (above left) shows a typical initial configuration: the smaller balloon has the higher pressure. So, when the valve is opened, the smaller balloon pushes air into the larger balloon. It becomes smaller, and the larger balloon becomes larger.
Hope this is helps out
Every one color match up to light of a certain wavelength produced by the atom when an electron marks a changeover among permissible orbitals. Each color signifies a jump of the electron with resultant emission of photons of certain energy conforming to the vertical colored stripes. The scientist can assess these energies by means of einstein equation for the energy of a photon which is E = h. v where v is the frequency of the emitted photon that can be assessed by means of the wavelength and h is a constant. Then it can recreate the jumps and accordingly figure out the orbitals and perhaps the map of the structure of the atom.