C is the answer. Due to the current state of the world economy; people, if left to their own devices, would fish as much as possible so they can sell their fish to make money. Current technology means we can catch as many fish as we want (trawlers etc.). The problem with this is that there is only a finite amount of fish in the sea. If we were to fish them without limits in place, we could cause them to go extinct.
I like dogs but cats hate dogs
1. Polymer refers to a lengthened, chain-like molecule comprising repeated units associated end to end.
2. Ceramic refers to a hard, brittle, corrosion and heat tolerant substance formed by administering a non-metallic mixture of minerals to intense heat.
3. Thermoset refers to the plastics, which exhibit low elongations and cannot get recycled again.
4. Thermoplastic refers to the plastics, which exhibit high elongations and can be recycled.
5. Crystal refers to the solid form originating from the organization of ions, atoms, or molecules in precise patterns of geometry.
6. Composite refers to a carbon fiber entrenched in a polymer resin matrix.
a. It is a dihybrid cross
b. 0%
c. 0%
d. 0%
e. 100%
f. 0%
g. 0%
Note: Answers are given assuming that hhRD = hhDD
a. The cross, HHdd x hhDD is a dihybrid cross involving two traits: fruit colour and fruit shape
2. Gametes produced in the cross are given below:
for HHdd= Hd and Hd
For hhDD = hD and hD
Offspring produced in the cross:
All HhDd, which represents white and the flattened disc-shaped fruit white since They are both dominant characters.
b. Percentage of the offspring from this cross expected to have the HHDD genotype = 0%
c. Percentage of the offspring from this cros expected to have the hhDD genotype = 0%
d. Percentage of the offspring from this cross expected to have the HhDd genotype = 0%
e. Percentage of the offspring from this cross are expected to produce white and disc-shaped fruits (HHDD or HhDD or HhDd) = 100%
f. Percentage of the offspring from this cross expected to produce white and spherical fruits (HHdd or Hhdd) = 0%
g. Percentage of the offspring from this cross expected to produce yellow and disc-shape (hhDD or hhDd) = 0%
I have a question are you asking what are the molecules of a shark or something