Substance C
From the statement scenario, it is given that no water remained above substance C. This then means that substance C actually absorbed all the water above it faster than the two other substances.
Therefore, we can deduce that substance C has the greatest porosity. This means that it has the highest amount of spaces within where the water can be absorbed.
Porosity has to do with the available empty spaces which is within a material. This property allows materials or substances to absorb other substances that are absorbable.
Biological predispositions
A Biological Predisposition is an expanded possibility of building up an infection or example of conduct dependent on the qualities we acquired from our folks (and our's folks). Qualities impact our character attributes, our IQ, our probability of getting malignant growth, and even our odds of turning into a heavy drinker.
Being predisposed to a turmoil doesn't imply that we will create it, just that we are progressively powerless against it dependent on our hereditary cosmetics. Natural hazard variables join with ecological factors, for example, stress or diet to trigger a confusion.
Research studies utilizing twins have demonstrated that numerous attributes and disarranges are heritable. For instance, in indistinguishable twin sets, on the off chance that one twin is determined to have schizophrenia, there is a half shot that the other twin will likewise be analyzed. Be that as it may, in congenial twin matches, this rate is just 15%. Since indistinguishable twins share a larger number of qualities than brotherly twins, we can infer that schizophrenia has an acquired organic premise.
The BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes are two genes that are sought in the genetic study of an individual in order to seek a predisposition to breast cancer (in women and also in men).
The genes of Tay-sachs, are researched in order to diagnose or eliminate Tay-sachs disease.
The first difference lies in the goal of the research: for the BRCA (screening) genes, a predisposition is sought and for the Tay-sachs genes, it is sought to confirm the disease.
The second lies in the technique used:
The first step in the study of these genes is to isolate and replicate them. The best technique for this is the PCR (polymerase chain reaction). By using primers we can amplify the gene we want. So the primers used in BRCA and Tay-Sachs research are necessarily different.
The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.
Answer: 5 proteins
Our bodies can produce over 100.000 proteins from only 20.000 genes. So if you divide 100 proteins by 20 genes, you get 5 genes.