Generic name, drug: The term "generic name" has several meanings as regards drugs: The chemical name of a drug. A term referring to the chemical makeup of a drug rather than to the advertised brand name under which the drug is sold.
This is refered to as different types of acts, most of which are religion and magic in nature and followed by a sequence established by traditions. They are often tagged as consecrated behaviors.
The Rites of Passage
This can be refered to as any religious rituals that is the birth or mark of a ceremonial or important changes in individual status or social stand at different points or stages in the human life cycle. It involves making a transition from one phase of life to another phase of life.
Examples are birth, marriage or death.
There are three specific ritual phases. They are;
1. Separation
2. Transition, and
3. Integration
May 10, 2019, marks the 150th anniversary of an iconic, historic event in American history—the completion of the transcontinental railroad. This 19th century engineering triumph would redefine the nation, connecting the east coast to the west coast by rail.
Empowered with the sovereign authority of the people by the framers and the consent of the legislatures of the states, it is the source of all government powers, and also provides important limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of United States citizens.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
I looked it up