a passive
Passive behavior is when an individual decides not to act or react but follow what others want. In passive, an individual does not express their feeling or thoughts. They remain inactive and allows others to take control. behavior
Marty attended the meeting but decided not to make any contributions. By deciding to follow the flow, he exhibited passive behavior. Marty felt angry because he failed to express his honest feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. He violated his rights to speak and be heard.
To execute new strategy
Firms and organisations on a quarterly or yearly basis try to change their business strategies to improve revenues and to compete in the market. Overall, implementing a new strategy is complex and it is important to perform restructuring in order to effectively apply a strategy. A restructuring process helps to easily adopt a strategy without complexities.
Option C is the correct option.
As the rights and obligation of the antique rocking chair are been passed to third party, so the damage caused by the checque been bounced is the monetry consideration agreed between the party to the contract, McGraw and Tellis. So Tellis may recover money damages from McGraw. However there is a special condition that can allow Tellis recover his asset from Rio if the third party knew before purchase of this asset, that the checque paid to Tellis by McGraw was dishonoured but still he contracted with McGraw to acquire the antique rocking chair.
Overall the option C is the correct option with which the case scenario relates.
Asset ratio is a business tool used to measure the efficiency of assets towards sales generation by comparing net sales to average total assets.
It is calculated by dividing the net sales by average total assets.
The average total assets is used in order to make allowance for fluctuation in the course of business year
Net sales = $217550
Opening total asset = $94200
Closing Total assets = $ 113500
Asset ratio turnover = 217550/(94200+113500)/2
C. Selling is a larger process that involves many steps that lead to and support this narrower definition of selling.