A person would take advantage of a non installment credit offer if there was no interest charged on on the loan. Many of these offers will not charge interest on the loans if the loan is paid off in a short amount of time. Usually within 3 to six months of the time the loan is started. These offers are usually for appliances and furniture. You can always ask the store you are visiting if they have these offers available. If you don't pay the loan off within the amount of time, you are then charged the interest and have a longer amount of time to pay the loan off.
Many times, clients will shift new people into the project who have no experience with it as they move their key people to new challenges. This issue is: One that is external and intellectual.
External issues do not affect an entity obviously. The clients shifting new people into projects and moving their key people to new challenges know why they must be doing so. It may be to encourage organizational learning. It may be because the key people have been promoted and need to move to higher positions.
Most importantly, it is the clients as entities that we should be concerned and deal with. Clients like other organizational entities have systems, processes, and policies that they work with to produce results. Their internal management should remain internal and not be externalized by overtly and overzealous outsiders.
idk sorry have a good day!!!!!
Answer: The answer is No, because the MB > MC
They are not cleaning up enough because the MB>MC. Therefore, all other options which cut across - Yes, because the MC > MB,
No, because the MB > MC,
Yes, because the MB > MC and
No, because the MC > MB are wrong.
A and D are the correct answers . You are welcome .