Following are the suggestions to solve unemployment problem:
(i) Change in industrial technique:
(ii) Policy regarding seasonal unemployment:
(iii) Change in education system:
(iv) Expansion of Employment exchanges:
(v) More assistance to self employed people:
(vi) Full and more productive employment
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The method of study used by Bradley is META ANALYSIS. Metal analysis can be defined as the quantitative, formal research study design to systematically examine the results of previous studies in related fields in order to form a conclusion about a specific research topic.
The education services at the two universities are substitutes to each other. The cross price elasticity of substitute goods is positive which indicates that as the price of one good increases then as a result the demand for other good increases and if the price of one good decreases then as a result the demand for other good decreases.
Now, if there is an increase in the tuition fees at University A, hence, this will increase the price of educational services at University A. Therefore, this will lead to an increase in the demand for educational services at University B.