b. All collections for sales are received immediately upon making the sales.
Internal control, regarded as a process used in assuring objective of an organization in operational effectiveness as well as efficiency and reliable financial reporting, it is also used in assuring of compliance with laws as well as regulations and policies. Generally, internal control can be described as everything which is able to controls risks to an organization. It is a way the
resources of an organization are been
measured as well as been directed and monitored.
It should be noted that Internal control procedures for cash receipts require that:.
✓Custody over cash is kept separate from its recordkeeping.
✓Clerks having access to cash in a cash register should not have access to the register tape or file.
✓An employee with no access to cash receipts should compare the total cash recorded by the register with the record of cash receipts reported by the cashier.
✓Cash sales should be recorded on a cash register at the time of each sale
The market clearing price is the price that balances the amount buyers want to buy with the amount sellers want to sell. This price balances the amounts demanded and supplied. The "market clearing price" is most closely associated with market equilibrium, because it exists when a market is clear of shortage and surplus, or is in equilibrium, when the demand curve and supply curve intersect.
Answer: democratic leadership
Carmen stated a possible solution that was increasing tuition fee and then Carmen said that it should be considered. This means that she did not impose it that that is the only solution and that has to be done in any way, if she did then it would’ve been autocratic leadership.
Carmen left some room for discussion and this means it is a democratic approach in leadership.
Here is your answer:
The proper answer is option A "true". It is extremely important to find the source of the information because the source could not be verified (which means its giving false information).
Your answer is A.
If you need anymore help feel free to ask me!
Hope this helps!